Thursday, February 26, 2009

First u/s

First off- thank you all for your responses to my last post. I was feeling very anxious as you could tell. I asked for a fourth beta, which I had last Friday and the results were great (12,394). That made me feel better until an hour later when I went to the bathroom and found blood. It was a tiny amount so I tried not to worry but it did take away the comfort the beta had added.

Anyway...I made it to today which was the first u/s. I am 6 weeks and 5 days so we were hoping to see the heartbeat. I was so nervous that I thought I would puke (hah! Not quite the nausea I was asking for). The tech put the dildo cam in and I immediatley saw the sac. She quickly moved the wand to measure my ovaries and a bunch of other things. She put the cam back on the baby and I think she was measuring the heart rate but I couldnt tell. I was staring trying to see a heartbeat but couldn't see anything. Just as I was about to panic, she said this is the baby and if you watch here closely you will see the heartbeat!! And we did!! Before we knew it, it was all over. The heartrate was 128bpm, which she said was great and the baby was measuring 6w5d which is perfect!!

We have our first pics of our baby (though he/she just looks like a blob at this point).

I go back on March 9th but don't think there will be another u/s until the downs testing at 12w. Which seems so far away!!


Lea said...

Hurray!!! Such good news! :) Boy, 12 weeks DOES seem really far away. Maybe you can talk them into an earlier one in between. ;)

Erin said...

How exciting! Congratulations. I agree that you could probably convince them to give you another especially if you are still at the RE :)

Meinsideout said...

Fantastic!!! That is fabulous, amazing, awesome.

Megan said...

I've been following your blog for quite a while, but have never commented. I'm so glad everything went well at your ultrasound!!! the next 5.5 weeks will go by quickly!!!


M. said...

What awesome news!! I'm so happy for you! This is my first time back to your blog in a few months -- I knew the long time without an update wasn't a good thing. I'm so excited to see that my first visit back brings great news!

Sasha & Mark said...

Woo Hoo!! I am so happy for you guys. Try to celebrate this event before you jump right into worrying about the next one! But I agree-- seems like you could squeeze in another before 12w! I had u/s at 8w, 11w at the RE, and then the NT scan at 13w6d (last possible day!).