Wednesday, October 29, 2008

IUI #1 Take 2 tomorrow!!

I triggered last night for my first IUI tomorrow. On Tuesday I had two follicles one at 22 and another at 18.5 and my e2 was 471. I am a little nervous about tomorrow but mostly excited. I am trying not to get my hopes up but if I am being honest...they are up.

I was freaking out most of the weekend because on Friday (CD13) I had such little progress. I had one 10 and one 11. I am in a wedding on Saturday and was sure that I wouldnt be ready to trigger until tomorrow making Saturday the IUI day and of course I wouldn't be able to do it. Thankfully, my ovaries kicked it into gear and I am ready now.

Wish me luck tomorrow and send any spare success vibes you have my way!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hello IUI #1 Take #2...

Well its been a while since my last post but there really wasn't much going on during my break cycle other than work so I spared you the boring details. We have two exciting things happen during the break:

1. Our 3 year anniversary was earlier this month, exciting.
2. We went on our annual anniversary trip. This year we went to Vegas for 5 days.

Vegas was really fun and nice to get a break from work but imagine my surprise (and angst) when the very first day I start having AF spotting. I was of course freaking out that we would miss the day 3 u/s and bloodwork and have to be on another break cycle. Thankfully, the full flow waited until just the right day making our first day back, Day 3. (though due to a medical emergency of a passenger on our flight home, we were delayed in Charlotte for a day meaning I ended up missing the Day 3 appt and rescheduling for Day 4).

The Day 3 u/s and bloodwork were much better this month. My e2 was 33 (compared with 96 on day 3 last cycle). So we are all systems go for take 2 at IUI #1. My next appt is tomorrow morning for Day 10.

I of course have dragged my feet on setting up an RE appt. I just can't decide which clinic to go with. I am deciding between two: Bosto.n I.VF. and CRM at Brigham and Women's. Did any of you "interview" more than one RE/clinic??