Wednesday, October 29, 2008

IUI #1 Take 2 tomorrow!!

I triggered last night for my first IUI tomorrow. On Tuesday I had two follicles one at 22 and another at 18.5 and my e2 was 471. I am a little nervous about tomorrow but mostly excited. I am trying not to get my hopes up but if I am being honest...they are up.

I was freaking out most of the weekend because on Friday (CD13) I had such little progress. I had one 10 and one 11. I am in a wedding on Saturday and was sure that I wouldnt be ready to trigger until tomorrow making Saturday the IUI day and of course I wouldn't be able to do it. Thankfully, my ovaries kicked it into gear and I am ready now.

Wish me luck tomorrow and send any spare success vibes you have my way!


Erin said...

Sending lots of good vibes your way! Glad to hear you aren't going to miss out on it!

Chelle said...

That's wonderful that your ovaries kicked it into gear! Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you!

M. said...

Sounds like things are looking great! Good luck tomorrow :)

Little Wonders said...

Hey LanY, how did your IUI go?? I hope well. After that: Welcome to the 2ww :)! It is pure torture.