Friday, November 14, 2008

No I am not witholding the beta results...grrr

I missed the damn call from the doctors office yesterday. On Thursdays the infertility nurse is out and I always have tests/procedures on that day! The person who fills in just isn't as responsive (probably because she has other responsibilities and is just filling in). I waited all day and she finally called at 5:11 but I was on a conference call so I missed it.

I really want to know my number! I know its over 5 (meaning I am pregnant) but given what happened in May, I am hoping for a high-ish number to put my mind at a little ease.

I am going to call as soon as I get in to work and leave a message for them to call me ASAP. Of course I am interviewing job candidates all morning.

Please please please let this one stick!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Uhg. Sorry, that really stinks. I hate that they won't leave messages or that they always seem to call at the WORST times.

Hope you get in touch. Here's hoping for a high number.