Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 10-16 update

This cycle had a very slow start but things appear to be looking up!

CD10 U/S and Bloodwork: Here is a brief recap of the conversation (both spoken and unspoken) at the monitoring appointment...

u/s tech (in a incredulous tone): "How long are your cycles?"
Me (in a nervous uncomfortable tone): "Unmedicated they are very long, medicated they are around 32-35 days, why?"
Me in my head: "Nice to meet you too lady, you just violated me with your camera and now are freaking me out with your questions!"
u/s tech: "Honey you have a loooong way to go. I'd be surprised if I saw you back here anytime soon"
Me: "Are you seeing anything?"
Me in my head: "Sweet hey-soos, is the cycle over already"
u/s tech: "I need to finish my measurements in peace before I can tell you anything"
Me (feebly): "take your time"

Turns out while I was not as far along as most are on Day 10, the world was not ending. Results were:

Estradial: 195
LH: 6.7
Left ovary: 1 follicle at 12mm and 7 <10mm
Right ovary: 1 follicle at 11mm, 1 follicle at 10mm and 12 <10mm
Lining: 7.2

So I was instructed to go back for another "date" on Monday (CD12).

Monday I had a wonderful u/s tech who got very excited about everything she was seeing and loved to talk about what she was seeing (which was great for me!!). She said things were progressing slowly and I was a ways away from O time.

Estradial: 204
LH: 7.8
Left ovary: 1 follicle at 12.5mm and 9 <10mm
Right ovary: 1 follicle at 10.5mm, 1 follicle at 10mm and 11 <10mm
Lining: 7.3

So not much progress from Day 10...I was instructed to go back yesterday (Thursday or CD15).
At yesterdays appt, I had a third u/s tech who was right in the middle in terms of style of the two mentioned above. She was not chatty and didn't offer any real-time explanations but she would answer my questions, which was nice. And lo and behold there was some action!!

Estradial: ??? (haven't spoken to the nurse to actually get the numbers)
LH: ???
Left ovary: 1 follicle at 18.5mm
Right ovary: 2 follicle at 10mm
Lining: 10.3

I was instructed to go back this morning. I was lucky enough to get the wonderful chatty u/s tech from CD12 again!! I am still waiting on the bloodwork results but I do know this:

Left ovary: 1 follicle at 20mm, 1 follicle at 15mm (where the heck did this one come from!!)
Right ovary: 2 follicles at 10mm
Lining: 11.5

So this is exciting! I am not sure whether I will trigger tonight or go in again tomorrow but hopefully the nurse will call soon.

I'll be back with an update soon!


Christina said...

great news!! funny how that wonder follie just popped up. or i guess the second lady could have missed it.

i hate when i get an u/s tech who sucks. it can be a little awkward sometimes if they're not talkative at all. and i also get annoyed when there is a new girl who is trying to be sweet and explain every step (hello, lady, 2 years and umpteen visits with the vag cam...i think i KNOW what a follie is!). so the perky fun one is a nice change.

gl this weekend!!
christina from unquestionablelove

M. said...

Yay!! This is SO exciting :) Your numbers look awesome-- very similar to my numbers after my injectable cycle (which was my BFP cycle, btw) :) Keep us posted!