Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rough start

My blogging got off to a rough start because I couldn't figure out how to format posts properly. But I am going to try again.

I am currently 9-10dpo (there is a disagreement between Fertility Friend's O date and my assessment of the O date). This cycle I was on Clomid 50mg cycle days 5-9. I had no side effects whatsoever, which on the one hand is fantastic and on the other had me questioning whether it was even working (ahh just one of the many joys of IF). However, my post-ovulation blood work came back with all signs indicating it worked! My p4 levels were 29 (above 10 is what they like to see).

So now I am in the 2 week wait. I analyze every little twinge and completely drive myself nuts. But because I want to preserve what is happening (for the likely event that I will want this for comparison later) here are my "symptoms":

  1. Whole lotta cramps: started around 5dpo. At first they were more stabbing and sharp then my normal period cramps but since 8dp they have been as dull as can be and feel JUST like period cramps.
  2. Sore boo-bs: They are not terribly sore but get more sore at night. I can still touch them and all but at night it hurts if Y hugs me to tightly.
  3. Dizziness: I was dizzy yesterday (9dpo). It would happen when i stand up. Though in full disclosure I think I was dehydrated.
  4. Nausea: Just very light nausea at 7dpo.
  5. Constantly feel like my period has just started. This has me running to the bathroom every 10 minutes to check and so far nothing.
  6. Temperatures: Are still high. They fell yesterday at 9dpo but were still above the coverline and were back up a little today. Again in full disclosure my thermometer sucks.
  7. Could drink an ocean and still want more salt. This has been the case since 7dpo.

1 comment:

Little Wonders said...

Hi!! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my blog and for leaving a comment, too! It's lovely to meet you ... even through these sad circumstances. I've met so many strong and courageous women that I would have never met if I wasn't going through this struggle. I'll definitely keep an eye on your blog, too. Best of luck with this cycle, too! I hope Clomid does the trick!